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On July 27, 2021 at 2:50:28 PM UTC, Gravatar Anita Risch:
  • Updated description of resource Correction: Data file native and non-native plant interactions in Australian grasslands in Native and no-native plant interactions in Australian grasslands from

    __taxa tab: list and overview of all the recorded species__ * family: family of the plant * genus: genus of the plant * species: plant species name * origin: indicates whether the plant is native to Australia or not (non-native) * common name: common name of the plant species * functional group: functional group of the plant species: forb, graminoid, fern, tree * functional group detailed: gives more detail about the type of graminoid and forb: legume, forb (non-leguminous), grass, sedge, rush, fern, tree * lifeform: annual or perennial lifeform (species which can have both of these lifeforms where considered as annuals) __plot tab: list of species found in each plot and their cover (%)__ * sampling.session: provides information about the sampling time: May2020 = data that was collected in May 2020 Nov2020 = data that was collected in November 2020 * name of the farms where the sampling took place: SF = farm of the Southern group NF = farm of the Northern group numbers 1-3 = randomly allocated to the Southern group of farms numbers 4-6 = randomly allocated to the Northern group of farms * site.type: KG: Kangaroo grass dominated site ALG: ALG+KG site (Kangarooo grass and African lovegrass co-dominated site) * plot number: 9-12 * scientific name of the plant species found in a certain plot * functional group: indicates whether the species found is a tree, forb, graminoid or fern * functional group detailed: indicates whether the species found is a tree, legume, forb (non-leguminous), grass, sedge, rush, fern * lifeform: specifies the lifeform of the species: annual or perennial lifeform (species which can have both of these lifeforms where considered as annuals) __corrections tab: Detailed description of corrections made in tab
    __taxa tab: list and overview of all the recorded species__ * family: family of the plant * genus: genus of the plant * species: plant species name * origin: indicates whether the plant is native to Australia or not (non-native) * common name: common name of the plant species * functional group: functional group of the plant species: forb, graminoid, fern, tree * functional group detailed: gives more detail about the type of graminoid and forb: legume, forb (non-leguminous), grass, sedge, rush, fern, tree * lifeform: annual or perennial lifeform (species which can have both of these lifeforms where considered as annuals) __plot tab: list of species found in each plot and their cover (%)__ * sampling.session: provides information about the sampling time: May2020 = data that was collected in May 2020 Nov2020 = data that was collected in November 2020 * name of the farms where the sampling took place: SF = farm of the Southern group NF = farm of the Northern group numbers 1-3 = randomly allocated to the Southern group of farms numbers 4-6 = randomly allocated to the Northern group of farms * site.type: KG: Kangaroo grass dominated site ALG: ALG+KG site (Kangarooo grass and African lovegrass co-dominated site) * plot number: 9-12 * scientific name of the plant species found in a certain plot * functional group: indicates whether the species found is a tree, forb, graminoid or fern * functional group detailed: indicates whether the species found is a tree, legume, forb (non-leguminous), grass, sedge, rush, fern * lifeform: specifies the lifeform of the species: annual or perennial lifeform (species which can have both of these lifeforms where considered as annuals) __corrections tab: Detailed description of corrections made in tab__