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On January 21, 2021 at 10:22:23 AM UTC, Gravatar Elisabeth D. Hafner:
  • Updated description of Satellite avalanche mapping validation data from

    Validation points, validation area, ground truth coverage, SPOT 6 avalanche outlines, Sentinel-1 avalanche outlines, Sentinel-2 avalanche outlines, Davos avalanche mapping (DAvalMap) avalanche outlines as shapefiles and a detailed attribute description (DataDescription_EvalSatMappingMethods.pdf). The generation of this dataset is described in detail in: Hafner, E. D., Techel, F., Leinss, S., and Bühler, Y.: Mapping avalanches with satellites – evaluation of performance and completeness, The Cryosphere,, 2021.
    Validation points, validation area, ground truth coverage, SPOT 6 avalanche outlines, Sentinel-1 avalanche outlines, Sentinel-2 avalanche outlines, Davos avalanche mapping (DAvalMap) avalanche outlines as shapefiles and a detailed attribute description (DataDescription_EvalSatMappingMethods.pdf). Coordinate system: CH1903+_LV95 The generation of this dataset is described in detail in: Hafner, E. D., Techel, F., Leinss, S., and Bühler, Y.: Mapping avalanches with satellites – evaluation of performance and completeness, The Cryosphere,, 2021.