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On August 25, 2021 at 12:18:53 PM UTC, Gravatar Michael Schirmer:
  • Updated description of Multiple realizations of daily snow water equivalent, surface water input and liquid precipitation projections for mid- and late-century from

    This is a preliminary dataset as the review process of the associated manuscript has not yet been completed. When the manuscript is published in final version, the dataset will be provided with a DOI. The dataset contains for three variables (snow water equivalent, surface water input and liquid precipitation) 50 realizations of future climate periods for two time horizons (mid end end of century), two emission senarions (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) and 10 climate model chains (all EUR11 chains within CH2018). To quantify natural climate variability for projections of snow conditions and resulting rain-on-snow (ROS) flood events, a weather generator was applied to simulate inherently consistent climate variables for multiple realizations of current and future climates at 100 m spatial and hourly temporal resolution over a 12 x 12 km high-altitude study area in the Swiss Alps. The output of the weather generator was used as input for subsequent simulations with an energy balance snow model. The data was extracted in 2021 from original model output.
    This is a preliminary dataset as the review process of the associated manuscript has not yet been completed. When the manuscript is published in final version, the dataset will be provided with a DOI. The dataset contains for three variables (snow water equivalent, surface water input and liquid precipitation) 50 realizations of current and future climate periods for two time horizons (mid end end of century), two emission senarions (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) and 10 climate model chains (all EUR11 chains within CH2018). To quantify natural climate variability for projections of snow conditions and resulting rain-on-snow (ROS) flood events, a weather generator was applied to simulate inherently consistent climate variables for multiple realizations of current and future climates at 100 m spatial and hourly temporal resolution over a 12 x 12 km high-altitude study area in the Swiss Alps. The output of the weather generator was used as input for subsequent simulations with an energy balance snow model. The data was extracted in 2021 from original model output.