This folder contains, Ini files, data and programs to create a full year precipitation data set for Imis Stations and data and files to model GT with snowpack. ANETZ stand for precipitation data generated by regression from the nearest ANETZ stations IMIS stands for Prec. measurements taken directly at the IMIS stations SNOWP. generated prec. data from snow hight measurements by SNOWPACK GenPSUm contains Files to get the complete precipitation set: 1. MeteoData.ini: Ini file for MeteoIO to get the met. input data. It has to be run two times, to get prec. Data from Imis stations and from ANETZ regressions. 2 GenPSUM.ini: Inifile for Snowpack (in research mode), to get winter precipitation calculated by snowpack out of the snow hight measurements. In:_sno contain the soil profils for the station In_met contains the meterological input data. It's from the data base and MeteoData.ini is used to get it. 3. The folder R_programms contains the R sripts to generate the precipitation data set, it reads in IMIS, ANETZ and SNOWPACK precipi and makes one complet data set out of it. (it contains the function- script plus a script to use the function) The fodler GTModeling_Snowpack contains ini-files for snowpack, soil profils, and input data for the climate change modeling. example.ini is the inifile for snowpack which was used for the Reference period and the Cliamte change signal for all Stations. The folder In_met contains the different meterological input files. For ech of the 3 future Periode (2035- 2060, 2060- 2085, 2085-2100) for each station 10 different delta change signals are avaible. Each data change is added to the smet file for the reference period and stored in a different foler which is named after the Regional cliamte Model. The folder In_sno contains the Soil profils for each station. The Folder R- Script contains, the R files to create the Climate Change input and the Data for the WFJ- Modeling. The folder PRecipitation Data sets contains 16 ideal precipiation Data sets for IMIS stations.