Data descriptions: The DEM used has 1-km resolution and is supplied as a text file with an ArcGIS style header. The data files consist of comma separated values with column headings. At the top of the data files is a header listing coordinates of the station. names of the data files are formatted as follows: sitetype_data-descriptor_station-name_time-period Sitetypes: HSstat - Hs-station as described in manuscript SWEstat - SWE-station as described in manuscript Data descriptors: In forcings directory: forcings - station-specific hourly forcing data interpolated to station from NWP* gridded products * - raw NWP data for WY14 and WY15; enhanced as described in manuscript for WY17. In validation directory: HSobs - Daily, automated HS observations SWEobs - Manual, semi-weekly SWE obvservations Station-name should be self-explanatory Time-period wy14_15 - covers period from 01-Oct-2013 thru 01-June-2015 wy17 - covers period from 01-Sep-2016 thru 30-June-2017